“Everyone calls me Mira. I am a 17 year old girl and have been at Place of hope for two and a half years. I had to come here because my parents were homeless and I was living on the streets. I haven’t talked to them since I was taken away from them. When I came here, I was behind in school and my GPA was a 1.114. Over the last two and a half years that I have been at Place of Hope, my GPA has gradually gotten better semester by semester. Now, for the first time in my life, I made honor roll with a GPA of 3.889! I feel far more confident than I ever felt; I am actually excited to bring my report card home. I have something to be proud of and I now know that if I can do that, I can do anything. There are better things in store for the future because somebody chose me.”
Mira's Story